Kayla Paradis

Personal Development ​Coach & Podcast Host.

I use elements of spirituality and energetics to inspire ​women to become empowered in their​ lives.

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After experiencing a spiritual and psychic ​awakening, I completed my training as a:

-certified reiki master

-certified 200hr yoga teacher

-certified angelic healer

With my previous work background in the ​medical field & financial industry, I have ​learned how to balance the practical with the ​mystical to provide transformative results for ​my clients and students.

Experience the life changing transformation ​of 3 monthly themed readings with ​accompanying masterclass trainings to go ​even deeper into learning about spirituality. ​We cover topics like:

-past lives

-angel messages

-starseed reading

-next level vision

-soul pupose reading

-​abundance codes reading

Tune into the podcast for inspiring FREE personal ​development conversations! ...coming soon!

Ready to take your healing journey to the ​next level? Get certified with Kayla Paradis in:

-Reiki Level One

-Reiki Level Two

-Reiki Level Three/Master

-Psychic Advancement

-Soul Purpose Coaching

-Angelic Healing

-​Oracle Card Reading

Click here to experience some of ​my many personal development ​programs. There's something here ​for everyone, at every price point!


Energetic Mastery Mastermind

For the woman on a mission, born with a purpose ​and ready to tap into the energetic practices that ​will allow her to master the manifestation of all her ​desires.

Anything is possible. Your money goals, dream job ​and desired lifestyle are all within reach with ​support of energetic mastery. ​-- COMING SOON!

Thank you for being here ​and supporting my work.

Reach out with any ​questions.

Let's work


have questions? click here to fill in a contact form

ready to start? book your service by clicking here.

